The popular Chanel Mini Matelasse Bag is difficult to obtain!

When it comes to the recent trend of Luxurious Brand bags, it must be their small bags. To follow the trend, each Brands are releasing their own small bags. However, it can be said that the Chanel Mini Matelasse Bag is the pioneer of this trend.

The mainstream size of classic Chanel bags is size 25 cm to 35 cm, but the size of model A69900 is 20 cm , which is rather small. Although it is very compact, the horizontal design makes it easy to put your smartphone and small pouches. It is a very popular model for its cuteness and practicality.

As for the material, there are many variations such as caviar skin, lambskin, patent and tweed. In addition to the orthodox color/material Mini Matelasse purses, other designs are often sold in limited quantities per season. Seasonal models are especially popular, so most of them gets sold out once they start the reservation. This is why Mini Matelasse is a rare item which you can be proud of yourself just by owning it.

Nowadays, Chanel's popularity has accelerated, and most of the orthodox models are difficult to obtain. Even if you make a reservation it is still difficult to purchase one. Furthermore, due to its popularity, the original price at the official stores has risen in the past few years, which inevitably makes the second-hand market price rise significantly also.

The good new is, we sell many of this difficult-to-obtain Chanel Mini Matelasse Bags! If you are interested in buying one, please contact us instantly.