The History of Saint Laurent

In this blog, we will be talking about the history of Luxury Brand Saint Laurent.
Saint Laurend has Cosmetic line of " Yves Saint Laurent" and Clothing line brand called "Saint Laurent" There is two persons that connected to these two brands. The first person is Founder of the brand, Yves Saint Launrent and the other person is the desiger, Hedi Slimane.
Yves Saint Laurent was known as creator of "Le Smoking" women's tuxedo outfit.
He introduced his new modern style to reflect the changing fashion trends during that generation.

During that generation the suits was introduced as format wear. However in the 1960's women did not allow to wear pants in public. There is an episode that classy restaurants would not serve a famous actress in women's tuxedo outfit. To protest that, a famous actress removed the pants and wore a suit jacket as dress.
Up to year 2012, the brand name was only Yves Saint Laurent.
However, when Hedi Slimane became the creative directior the brand name was changed to Saint Laurent.
He was recognized as first inventor of skinny jeans in the world.
You won't get enough reason to not love Yves Saint Laurent brand!