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Privacy Policy

Handling Personal Information

  1. The purpose of Gallery Rare’s utilization of personal information
1) The purpose of use of personal information (including information from websites, e-mail, etc.) which directly collected in writing from an individual will be clearly stated to the person in prior to acquisition.
2) The purpose of utilization of personal information collected by methods other than the stated preceding paragraph:
①Personal information acquired from transactions of purchase and selling brand goods, precious metals, etc. on Rakuten Ichiba, etc.
・To introduce customers products and services, to respond to related inquiries and communication for after-sales service.
・To determine the propriety of purchase and selling of secondhand goods and to manage the status after the transaction started.
・To inspect products and verify customer’s identification.
・To prevent fraudulent transactions.
②Footages obtained from the security cameras installed in our facilities
・To maintain and safeguard our company's assets and equipment

  1. Acquisition of personal information by methods which cannot be easily recognized by an individual
Cookies are used to allow users to browse our website more conveniently when they visit our website more than once and Cookies does not violate one’s privacy.
In addition, Cookies does not cause any adverse effects on computers. We do not collect personal information from methods such as Cookies, etc. that cannot be easily recognized by an individual.
In addition, our website uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) data encryption system in all parts where users must enter their personal information.
Furthermore, we take necessary measures such as installing Firewall to protect information within our website.
However, please note in advance that this does not mean that we can completely guarantee the security due to the nature of Internet communication.

■Dissemination of matters relevant to retained personal data

When an individual or a representative request to be notified the purpose of utilization, disclosure, revision, addition or deletion of the content, the discontinue of utilization and deletion, and to request to discontinue the provision to a third party (hereinafter referred to as "requests of disclosure"), we will correspond in the below manner:

a)Business Name, Address, Representative name
Business Name: Gallery Rare Co., Ltd.
Address: Maruto Minamihorie Pharos Building 6F, 1-7-4 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan
CEO: Fumitoshi Teraoka

b)Personal Information Protection Manager
Name: Kenichi Morimoto
Department: Management Department Manager
Number: 06-6251-6653

c)The purpose of utilization of all retained personal data
①Personal information acquired from transactions of purchase and selling brand goods, precious metals, etc.
・To introduce products and services, respond to related inquiries, and to communicate about after-sales services with customers.
・To determine the propriety of purchase and selling of secondhand goods and to manage the status after the transaction started.
・To verify the customer's identity
・To prevent fraudulent transactions
②Customer information acquired from events held or exhibited by us
・To provide information, communications, and related services relevant to the event.
③For marketing, surveys and analysis in order to improve and to enhance the quality of handled products and services
④Customer information
・For transaction related negotiation and communications, order processing, and billing and payment operations.
⑤Employee information
・To manage employee security, health, operation and personnel labor
⑥Personal information of job applicants
・To contact applicants and to manage recruitment operations
⑦Specific personal information
・For the purpose of utilization which is in accordance with the Number Act
⑧Inquiry information
・To respond to inquiries and to send out notifications.

d)Contact point for complaints about the handling of retained personal data
Maruto Minamihorie Pharos Building 6F, 1-7-4 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan
Gallery Rare Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Operator
Email address:
TEL: 06-6251-6653 (operating hours 11:00-19:00)
If we receive inquiries on Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, New Year Holidays, and Golden Week, we will respond on and after the next business day.

e)Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization
Name of the Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization that we are a member of:
Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community
Contact point for complaint resolution:
Personal Information Protection Complaints Customer Support Center
Number: 03-5860-7565 Toll-free number: 0120-700-779
*This is not the contact point for our products or services.

EU Representative

For companies based outside the European Union that process personal data of EU data subjects citizens, a representative in the EU must be appointed under Article 27 of the GDPR. If you are an EU data subject resident and have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights under the GDPR, you can contact our EU representative as follows: 

Atsumi & Sakai Europa GmbH – Rechtsanwälte und Steuerberater

OpernTurm (13th Floor), Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Our EU Representative will receive and handle any queries or requests related to data protection including the exercise of EU data subjects' rights, and will forward them to the relevant responsible department within our organization. 

UK Representative

For companies based outside the UK that process personal data of UK data subjects, a representative in the UK must be appointed under Article 27 of the UK GDPR. If you are a UK data subject and have any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your personal data, or if you wish to exercise any of your rights under the UK GDPR, you can contact our UK representative as follows: 

Atsumi & Sakai Europe Limited

85 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7NQ, United Kingdom

Our UK Representative will receive and handle any queries or requests related to data protection including the exercise of UK data subjects' rights, and will forward them to the relevant responsible department within our organization.

f)Procedures for responding to requests regarding disclosure etc. of retained personal data or records of provision by a third party

1)Contact point for requests of disclosure, etc.
In order to request for a disclosure, etc., contact Personal Information Inquiry Operator stated in the above.
*If you wish to have your personal information disclosed etc. through electromagnetic procedures, please let us know.
In general, the procedures will be processed upon your request.
2)Procedures for requests of disclosure, etc.
①After receiving a request, we will send you a prescribed request form called "Request Form for Disclosure, etc. of Retained Personal Data".
②Send the completed form to Personal Information Inquiry Operator with an identification of a representative if the request is made by a representative and a postal money order of commission (only for a notification of the purpose of utilization or a request of disclosure)
③After receiving the request form stated above, in order to verify the person’s identification, we will confirm the person approximately two contents from the person’s registered personal information (e.g. phone number and the date of birth, etc.)
④In general, all response shall be made in writing (by sealed letter)
3)Documents to verify a representative’s identification when a request is made by a representative
When a request to disclose, etc. is made by a representative, a document to verify a representative’s identification and a document to certify that a person is a representative shall be enclosed.
The person's domicile information described in each document shall only be the prefecture and other information shall be blacked out.
In addition, in each document the Individual Number must be completely blacked out or the person must provide documents without the Individual Number.
①Documents that certifies a person is a representative
<When a representative is entrusted by an individual to request for disclosure, etc.>
Authorization Letter (original)
<When a representative is a legal representative of a minor>A copy of any of the following documents:
Certificate of Family Register
Certificate of Residence (relationship shall be stated)
Other official documents that can be used to confirm power of legal representation
< When a representative is a legal representative of an adult ward> A copy of any of the following documents:
Certificate of registration concerning guardianship registration, etc.
Other official documents that can be used to confirm power of legal representation
② Documents that certifies the identification of the representative
Driver's license
Health Insurance Card (all code and number, etc. of insured person shall be blacked out)
Certificate of Residence
4)Fees for a notification of the purpose of utilization or a request for disclosure
1,000 JPY per request
(When a request is made in writing, postal money order shall be enclosed with the request form, etc. When the fees are charged by other methods, we will discuss at the time of request.)


g)Handling structure of personal information and details of measures taken

1)Formulation of basic policy
In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, "Privacy Policy" concerning "Compliance to accordance with relevant laws and guidelines, etc.", "Contact point for inquiries and complaints", etc. is formulated.
2)Formulation of regulations concerning the handling of personal data
Personal Information Protection Regulations concerning the handling method, person in responsible, person in charge and their duties, etc. is formulated in each stage of acquisition, utilization, preservation, provision, deletion, disposal, etc.
 3)Systematic security control measures
①In addition to assigning a person in responsible for the handling of personal data, we clarify the employee who handles personal data and the scope of the personal data handled by that employee, and we establish a contact system to report to the person in responsible once facts or violations of laws or regulations are recognized.
②We conduct self-inspections and audits by other departments and external parties on a regular basis concerning the handling of personal data.
4)Human security control measures
①Training concerning important points of the handling of personal data is provided to employees regularly.
②Matters concerning the confidentiality of personal data are described in the Employment Regulations.
5)Physical security control measures
①In areas where personal data is handled, in addition to managing the entry and exit of employees and limiting the devices they bring in, we take appropriate measures to prevent access to personal data by an unauthorized person.
②In addition to taking appropriate measures to prevent theft or loss of devices that handle personal data, electronic media and documents, we take measures to ensure that personal data is not easily revealed when that device, electronic media, etc. is carried out whether or not inside the office.
6)Technical security control measures
①Access control is implemented to limit the person in charge and the scope of personal information database, etc. handled.
②① We introduce a measure to protect information systems that handle personal data from unauthorized external access or unauthorized software.
 *On application of the Privacy Policy, the English translation of the Privacy Policy shall merely be used for reference. Please note that only the Japanese version shall be applicable.


また当社のサイトでは個人情報を入力していただく部分にはすべてSSL(Secure Sockets Layer)のデータ暗号化システムを利用しております。さらに、サイト内における情報の保護にもファイアウオールを設置するなどの方策を採っております。ただし、インターネット通信の性格上、セキュリティを完全に保証するものではありません。あらかじめご了承ください。



住所:大阪府大阪市西区南堀江 1 丁目 7 番 4 号 マルイト南堀江パロスビル 6F
代表取締役: 寺岡 文寿

所属部署:管理部 部長


大阪府大阪市西区南堀江 1 丁目 7 番 4 号 マルイト南堀江パロスビル 6F
株式会社ギャラリーレア 個人情報問合せ係
TEL:06-6251-6653 (受付時間 11:00~19:00)

電話番号:03-5860-7565  フリーダイヤル:0120-700-779



